Our Brand Story

Hey there! Welcome to our website, we're so happy you're here!
If you're new here, let me introduce you to the Bonkerz Bath Co. story.
My name is Holly and I'm the mastermind behind the creations. I'm a mom of two little boys and live in Orillia, Ontario. Like any mom, I love to bring colour and joy to my kids daily routine and came to find that they adored bath bombs. They had so much fun with the colours, the scents and all things fizzy. Living in a small town, finding bath bombs that were bright and colourful, scented in ways they could identify and more importantly, made with ingredients a mom could trust on her kiddos skin were hard to find in town. I voiced my frustrations to other local parents and came to find out, they felt the same. I kid you not, one night, in the middle of the night, I woke up out of a dead sleep with an idea....If I can't find it! Make it! and that was the beginning of this journey.
I jumped in with both feet and didn't have a damn clue what I was doing. I made bath bombs every night, failure after failure, batch after batch for months. I started to learn that each failing batch would teach me something new and one day, they started looking amazing, smelling incredible and fizzing just the way I liked it. My boys were so excited to help make them and most of all, test them!
Eventually, they became what they are now.
We started selling them in local markets in the summer of 2023. They sold out so fast and clients would often ask “How can we see what you have in stock?” and I heard you and began the process of the website you’re on now. Welcome to my labor of love!
Creating this website was a process as I needed to make sure I stuck to my original company mission. Playful, fun family friendly bathbombs that were quality but wouldn’t break your bank which is tough to do when you have to add shipping. As a mom myself, I always love a deal so we will be ensuring monthly promotions, bundle offers, free shipping at $100, contests through social media and bonuses to our followers. Feel free to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to never miss a deal😊
Bonkerz Bath Co may be a small little business but we appreciate every order, every ounce of support, every review and every referral to your friends and family. When you show us support, just know, you're not only getting our product but you're supporting the failures, the hours and hours of learning, creating, testing and perseverance.
We love you!